Reading World
Playing TRIZ Vol.1 - Games and Cases for Learning and Teaching Inventiveness
Editors: Christian M. Thurnes, Claudia Hentschel, Frank Zeihsel
Publishing House: Synnovating;
1. Edition (2019)
Sprache/Language: English
ISBN-10: 3981549348
ISBN-13: 978-3-9815493-4-8
Size: 24 x 17 x 1,3 cm
29,- € incl. 7% VAT
Mastering Lean Product Development: Geschwindigkeit, Erfolg und Qualität der Produktentwicklung mit Lean-Events maximieren
by Ronald Mascitelli (Author), Christian M Thurnes (Foreword, Translation)
Hardcover: 256 Pages
Publishing House: Synnovating;
1. Edition in german language (February 11, 2015)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3981549309
ISBN-13: 978-39815493-0-0
Size: 35,2 x 22 x 3 cm
125 Figures
59,- € incl.. 7% VAT
Der innovative Weg zu Null Fehler: Aktuelle Methoden der Antizipierenden Fehlererkenung AFE
by Svetlana Visnepolschi (Author), Christian M Thurnes (Foreword, Translation)
Publishing House: Synnovating;
1. Edition in german language (September 2015)
Language: German
ISBN-13: 978-39815493-1-7
Size: 24 x 16 cm
39,- € incl.. 7% VAT
Directed Evolution: Innovationsmanagement und Technologieentwicklung zukunftsorientiert gestalten mit der Methodik der Directed Evolution zur TRIZ-Vorhersage
by Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman, Christian M. Thurnes
Publishing House: Synnovating;
1. Edition in german language (October 2015)
Language: German
ISBN-13: 978-39815493-2-4
Size: 24 x 17 cm
29,- € incl.. 7% VAT
Lean-Simulationen und -Spiele: Lean-Prinzipien, -Methoden und -Werkzeuge mit Spielen und Simulationen verstehen und erlernen
by John Bicheno, Christian M. Thurnes
Paperback: 352 Seiten
Publishing House: Synnovating;
1. Edition in german language (September 2016)
Language: German
ISBN-13: 978-39815493-3-1
Size: 29,7 x 21 cm
85,- € incl.. 7% VAT
Arbeitsmaterial zu Lean-Simulationen und -Spiele
Arbeitsmaterial zum Ausdrucken im PDF-Format.
This saves you having to copy the pages from the book to run the simulations and games. You can print them as often as you want.
Delivery by email or download
20,- € incl. 19 % VAT
Smart Failure and Risk Analysis in Complex Systems
Zeihsel, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Zlotin, Boris, Zusman, Alla
Conference Presentation at
XXIV ISPIM Conference - Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth ( International Society for Professional Innovation Management); Helsinki, 16. - 19. Juni 2013
Smart Failure and Risk Analysis in Complex Systems
Zeihsel, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Visnepolschi, Svetlana
Poster presentation at
3rd International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management; Paris, 12.-14. Dezember 2012
Using TRIZ to invent failures -
concept and application to go beyond traditional FMEA
Thurnes, Christian M.; Zeihsel, Frank; Visnepolshi, Svetlana; Hallfell, Frank
Conference Presentation at
TRIZ Future 2012 - ETRIA European TRIZ Association, S. 263-290; Lissabon, 24.-26. Oktober 2012
New Risk Assessment for Innovation Management
Zeihsel, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Visnepolshi, Svetlana
Conference Presentation at
XXIII ISPIM Conference - Action for Innovation (International Society for Professional Innovation Management); Barcelona, 17.-20. Juni 2012
TRIZ for Innovation in Germany - considerations about the dissemination of TRIZ in Germany
Hallfell, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Kyas, Mirjam
Conference Presentation at
International Research Conference "TRIZ Fest 2011", S. 119-123; St. Petersburg, 20.-23. Juli 2011
TRIZ to invent your future utilizing Directed Evolution methodology
Hallfell, Frank; Zlotin, Boris; Zusman, Alla
Conference Presentation at
10. ETRIA World TRIZ Future Conference, S. 103-108; Bergamo, 3.-5. November 2010